The proliferation of Christian art
330 – 1453Religion, feudalism and lots of gold leaf.
476 – 1492The greatest cosmopolitan empire of the middle ages
618 – 907CEPersia brings a wealth of art, poetry, and mysticism to Islam.
651 – 1500When you don't paint people, things get beautifully, powerfully decorative.
661 – 1243Ghost cities and geometric pottery
750 – 1600Wolves among sheep
793 – 1066The God-kings and stone cities of Cambodia
800 – 1431Floating cities and stone heads facing the sea
800 – 1525Whose got the tallest mound?
800 – 1540Finding the sublime in nature's power
960 – 1127The race for height
1144 – 1500The original American Empire
1200 – 1572Blood and conquest
1325 – 1521