Themes in Art

The Nude in Art , Page 3

The Female Form, Ben Enwonwu

The Female Form Ben Enwonwu, 1987

The Inferno, Canto 21, Gustave Doré

The Inferno, Canto 21 Gustave Doré, 1861

The Launch of the Net, Suzanne Valadon

The Launch of the Net Suzanne Valadon, 1914

The Marchesa Casati, Romaine Brooks

The Marchesa Casati Romaine Brooks, 1920

The Model in Repose, Albert Joseph Pénot

The Model in Repose Albert Joseph Pénot, 1900

The Nude Maja, Francisco de Goya y Lucientes

The Nude Maja Francisco de Goya y Lucientes, 1800

The Path, Romaine Brooks

The Path Romaine Brooks, 1911

The Pole Star, Luis Ricardo Falero

The Pole Star Luis Ricardo Falero, 1885

The School of Plato, Jean Delville

The School of Plato Jean Delville, 1898

The Sensual, Franz Stuck

The Sensual Franz Stuck, 1891

The Sphinx, Félicien Rops

The Sphinx Félicien Rops, 1878 – 1881

The Swimming Hole, Thomas Eakins

The Swimming Hole Thomas Eakins, 1885

The Tepidarium, Lawrence Alma-Tadema

The Tepidarium Lawrence Alma-Tadema, 1881

The Toilette of Venus, François Boucher

The Toilette of Venus François Boucher, 1751

The Witches Sabbath, Luis Ricardo Falero

The Witches Sabbath Luis Ricardo Falero, 1880

Twin Stars, Luis Ricardo Falero

Twin Stars Luis Ricardo Falero, 1881

Two Figures (Nudes on a red background), Fernand Henri Léger

Two Figures (Nudes on a red background) Fernand Henri Léger, 1923

Two Nudes, Marcel Duchamp

Two Nudes Marcel Duchamp, 1910

Two Nudes, Double Self-portrait, Élisabeth Chaplin

Two Nudes, Double Self-portrait Élisabeth Chaplin, 1918

Two Tahitian Women, Paul Gauguin

Two Tahitian Women Paul Gauguin, 1899

Untitled - 1936, Man Ray

Untitled - 1936 Man Ray, 1936

Untitled, 1998, Stelios Votsis

Untitled, 1998 Stelios Votsis, 1998

Venus and Amorini, Salvador Dalí

Venus and Amorini Salvador Dalí, 1925

Venus and Cupid, Artemisia Gentileschi

Venus and Cupid Artemisia Gentileschi, 1625 – 1630

Venus of Dolní Věstonice, Upper Paleolithic

Venus of Dolní Věstonice 29000BCE

Venus of the Hollow Rock, Upper Paleolithic

Venus of the Hollow Rock 40000BCE

Venus Reclining in a Landscape (Hatched), Giulio Campagnola

Venus Reclining in a Landscape (Hatched) Giulio Campagnola, 1515

Venus Reclining in a Landscape (Stippled), Giulio Campagnola

Venus Reclining in a Landscape (Stippled) Giulio Campagnola, 1510 – 1515

Venus Verticordia, Dante Gabriel Rossetti

Venus Verticordia Dante Gabriel Rossetti, 1863 – 1868

Village People, Grégoire Michonze

Village People Grégoire Michonze, 1952

Weeping Venus, Romaine Brooks

Weeping Venus Romaine Brooks, 1917

White Azaleas, Romaine Brooks

White Azaleas Romaine Brooks, 1910

Witches going to their Sabbath, Luis Ricardo Falero

Witches going to their Sabbath Luis Ricardo Falero, 1878

Woman before a Mirror, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec

Woman before a Mirror Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, 1897

Woman looking away, Adolf Hirémy-Hirschl

Woman looking away Adolf Hirémy-Hirschl, 1900

Women, Armando Morales

Women Armando Morales, 1974

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