Themes in Art

Geometric Art
Triangles, circles, and squares—oh my!

Geometric art can refer to two categories of radically different artwork. In ancient Greece, a geometric visual tradition of zigzags, triangles, and meanders decorating amphorae emerged between 900-700 BCE, a time of cultural renaissance inspired by epic poetry and art. In the modern era, geometric elements became popular motifs in Constructivism and Suprematism, and later minimalist artwork, as artists pursued pure forms and non-representative expression—triangles and lines and flat colors becoming characters, competing, fighting, dancing, and playing.

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Composition, Fernand Henri Léger

Composition Fernand Henri Léger, 1926

Composition, Sophie Taeuber-Arp

Composition Sophie Taeuber-Arp, 1930

Composition, Sophie Taeuber-Arp

Composition Sophie Taeuber-Arp, 1931

Composition (Definitive State), Fernand Henri Léger

Composition (Definitive State) Fernand Henri Léger, 1925

Composition in Black and Gray, Piet Mondrian

Composition in Black and Gray Piet Mondrian, 1919

Composition in Black and White (Painting 1), Piet Mondrian

Composition in Black and White (Painting 1) Piet Mondrian, 1926

Composition in Black Gold and Brown, Liubov Popova

Composition in Black Gold and Brown Liubov Popova, 1917

Composition in Blue Yellow and Black, Liubov Popova

Composition in Blue Yellow and Black Liubov Popova, 1920

Composition in Gray (Rag-time), Theo van Doesburg

Composition in Gray (Rag-time) Theo van Doesburg, 1919

Composition in Red Black and Gold, Liubov Popova

Composition in Red Black and Gold Liubov Popova, 1920

Composition with a Circle, Saloua Raouda Choucair

Composition with a Circle Saloua Raouda Choucair, 1952

Composition with Blue and Yellow (Composition 1), Piet Mondrian

Composition with Blue and Yellow (Composition 1) Piet Mondrian, 1925

Composition with Colours A, Piet Mondrian

Composition with Colours A Piet Mondrian, 1917

Composition with Colours B, Piet Mondrian

Composition with Colours B Piet Mondrian, 1917

Composition with Lines (Composition in Black and White), Piet Mondrian

Composition with Lines (Composition in Black and White) Piet Mondrian, 1917

Composition with Red Blue and Yellow, Piet Mondrian

Composition with Red Blue and Yellow Piet Mondrian, 1929

Composition with Red Yellow and Blue, Piet Mondrian

Composition with Red Yellow and Blue Piet Mondrian, 1927

Composition with Red Yellow and Blue, Piet Mondrian

Composition with Red Yellow and Blue Piet Mondrian, 1928

Composition XIII, Theo van Doesburg

Composition XIII Theo van Doesburg, 1918

Construction, Aleksandr Rodchenko

Construction Aleksandr Rodchenko, 1920

Counter Composition VI, Theo van Doesburg

Counter Composition VI Theo van Doesburg, 1925

Dark Blue Curve, Ellsworth Kelly

Dark Blue Curve Ellsworth Kelly, 1995

Decanter, Man Ray

Decanter Man Ray, 1926

Decoration, Mainie Jellett

Decoration Mainie Jellett, 1923

Dynamic Suprematism, Kazimir Malevich

Dynamic Suprematism Kazimir Malevich, 1915 – 1916

Harbor Number 1, Agnes Martin

Harbor Number 1 Agnes Martin, 1957

House under construction, Kazimir Malevich

House under construction Kazimir Malevich, 1915 – 1916

Kestner Portfolio, Proun 1, El Lissitzky

Kestner Portfolio, Proun 1 El Lissitzky, 1923

Kestner Portfolio, Proun 2, El Lissitzky

Kestner Portfolio, Proun 2 El Lissitzky, 1923

Kestner Portfolio, Proun 3, El Lissitzky

Kestner Portfolio, Proun 3 El Lissitzky, 1923

Kestner Portfolio, Proun 4, El Lissitzky

Kestner Portfolio, Proun 4 El Lissitzky, 1923

Kestner Portfolio, Proun 5, El Lissitzky

Kestner Portfolio, Proun 5 El Lissitzky, 1923

Kestner Portfolio, Proun 6, El Lissitzky

Kestner Portfolio, Proun 6 El Lissitzky, 1923

l.n.31, El Lissitzky

l.n.31 El Lissitzky, 1922 – 1924

Line Construction, Aleksandr Rodchenko

Line Construction Aleksandr Rodchenko, 1920

Linear Composition, Liubov Popova

Linear Composition Liubov Popova, 1919

Linear Construction in Space No. 2, Naum Gabo

Linear Construction in Space No. 2 Naum Gabo, 1957

Linear Construction in Space no. 3, with Red, Naum Gabo

Linear Construction in Space no. 3, with Red Naum Gabo, 1952 – 1953

Non-Objective Composition, Olga Rozanova

Non-Objective Composition Olga Rozanova, 1916

Non-Objective Composition (Flight of an Airplane), Olga Rozanova

Non-Objective Composition (Flight of an Airplane) Olga Rozanova, 1916

Painterly Architectonic, Liubov Popova

Painterly Architectonic Liubov Popova, 1916

Painterly Architectonic, Liubov Popova

Painterly Architectonic Liubov Popova, 1917

Painterly Architectonics, Liubov Popova

Painterly Architectonics Liubov Popova, 1917

Proun 19D, El Lissitzky

Proun 19D El Lissitzky, 1920 – 1921

Proun 99, El Lissitzky

Proun 99 El Lissitzky, 1923 – 1925

Region of the Unstructured Sound, Charmion von Wiegand

Region of the Unstructured Sound Charmion von Wiegand, 1955 – 1961

Rhythm of a Russian Dance, Theo van Doesburg

Rhythm of a Russian Dance Theo van Doesburg, 1918

Simultaneous Counter-Composition, Theo van Doesburg

Simultaneous Counter-Composition Theo van Doesburg, 1929 – 1930

Study for Planes in Modulated Surface, Lygia Clark

Study for Planes in Modulated Surface Lygia Clark, 1957

Suprematist Composition, Kazimir Malevich

Suprematist Composition Kazimir Malevich, 1916

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