The inventor of Photography
1765 – 1833Visionary promoter of photography
1787 – 1851Electric blue: the first photographic book
1799 – 1871Britain's photographic pioneer
1800 – 1877The second person to invent photography
1801 – 1887The inventor of the selfie
1809 – 1893A brilliant murderer studies motion
1830 – 1904Photographer, novelist... balloonist?
1820 – 1910Elevating photography to emotional portraiture
1852 – 1934The examples that I have the honor of presenting are the first results of my extensive research on the manner of fixing the image of objects by the action of light.
Light acts chemically upon bodies. It is absorbed, it combines with them, and communicates new properties. Such, in a few words, is the principle of the discovery.
Numerous experiments made by the author prove that light cannot fall upon a body without leaving traces of decomposition on the surface upon which it impinges.
The plates of the present work are impressed by the agency of Light alone, without any aid from the artist's pencil.