Themes in Art

The Divine Comedy

Beatrice Addressing Dante from the Car, William Blake

Beatrice Addressing Dante from the Car William Blake, 1824 – 1827

Dante and Virgil in Hell, William-Adolphe Bouguereau

Dante and Virgil in Hell William-Adolphe Bouguereau, 1850

Dante Running from the Three Beasts, William Blake

Dante Running from the Three Beasts William Blake, 1824 – 1827

Dante’s First Meeting with Beatrice, Simeon Solomon

Dante’s First Meeting with Beatrice Simeon Solomon, 1859 – 1863

Minos, William Blake

Minos William Blake, 1824 – 1827

Paradiso, Canto 34, Gustave Doré

Paradiso, Canto 34 Gustave Doré, 1868

The Barque of Dante, Eugène Delacroix

The Barque of Dante Eugène Delacroix, 1822

The Gates of Hell, François Auguste René Rodin

The Gates of Hell François Auguste René Rodin, 1880 – 1890

The Gates of Hell, François Auguste René Rodin

The Gates of Hell François Auguste René Rodin, 1880 – 1890

The Inferno, Canto 15, Gustave Doré

The Inferno, Canto 15 Gustave Doré, 1861

The Inferno, Canto 21, Gustave Doré

The Inferno, Canto 21 Gustave Doré, 1861

The Inferno, Canto 5, Gustave Doré

The Inferno, Canto 5 Gustave Doré, 1861

The Inferno, Canto 7, Gustave Doré

The Inferno, Canto 7 Gustave Doré, 1861

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