

Abbey among Oak Trees, Caspar David Friedrich

Abbey among Oak Trees Caspar David Friedrich, 1809 – 1810

Aqueduct of Nero, Giovanni Battista Piranesi

Aqueduct of Nero Giovanni Battista Piranesi, 1775

Byland Abbey, Medieval Art

Byland Abbey Abbot Roger, Roger de Mowbray, 1155 – 1538

Capriccio with ruins of the Roman Forum, Claude Lorrain

Capriccio with ruins of the Roman Forum Claude Lorrain, 1634

Isadora Duncan in the Parthenon, Edward J. Steichen

Isadora Duncan in the Parthenon Edward J. Steichen, 1921

Lake by Moonlight with Castle on Hill, Joseph Wright of Derby

Lake by Moonlight with Castle on Hill Joseph Wright of Derby, 1787

Petra, Ali Al Jabri

Petra Ali Al Jabri, 1979

Tantallon Castle, Medieval Art

Tantallon Castle 1350

The Church of Souain, Félix Vallotton

The Church of Souain Félix Vallotton, 1917

Tintern Abbey, Medieval Art

Tintern Abbey 1131 – 1536

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