Themes in Art


After the Hunt, Gustave Courbet

After the Hunt Gustave Courbet, 1859

Bird’s-Nesters, Jean-François Millet

Bird’s-Nesters Jean-François Millet, 1874

Blue Animal with Five Figures, Bill Traylor

Blue Animal with Five Figures Bill Traylor, 1939 – 1942

Portrait of Nicholas Anne de Lisle, Marianne Loir

Portrait of Nicholas Anne de Lisle Marianne Loir, 1750

Sketch for The Lion Hunt, Peter Paul Rubens

Sketch for The Lion Hunt Peter Paul Rubens, 1614 – 1615

The Boar Hunt, Frans Snyders

The Boar Hunt Frans Snyders, 1650

The Halt during the Chase, Jean-Antoine Watteau

The Halt during the Chase Jean-Antoine Watteau, 1718 – 1720

The Hunt of the Unicorn, Northern Renaissance

The Hunt of the Unicorn 1495

The Wolf and Fox Hunt, Peter Paul Rubens

The Wolf and Fox Hunt Peter Paul Rubens, 1616

The Wounded Deer, Frida Kahlo

The Wounded Deer Frida Kahlo, 1946

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