Themes in Art

Forbidden knowledge

Grimoires are textbooks for magical works. They appeared around the 4th century BCE, and really took off in medieval Europe. Grimoires have the reputation for being cryptic, but were often straightforward documents, including step by step instructions for creating magical objects, performing magical spells, and summoning angels and demons to do your bidding.

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I am one of those gods, the Powers who effect the triumph of Osiris over his adversaries on the day of the Weighing of the Words : I am thy kinsman, Osiris.

The Book of the Dead 1550BCE

The Compound of Alchemy, George Ripley

The Compound of Alchemy George Ripley, 1591

The Key of Solomon, Book 1, Western Esoteric Art

The Key of Solomon, Book 1 Author Unknown, 1400

The Magus, Book 1, Western Esoteric Art

The Magus, Book 1 Francis Barrett, 1801

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Death in Art

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Artists of the African Diaspora, Themes in Art

Artists of the African Diaspora

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