Themes in Art


A Fisherman Pulling a Net, Jean-Honoré Fragonard

A Fisherman Pulling a Net Jean-Honoré Fragonard, 1774

Cleaning Fish, George Bellows

Cleaning Fish George Bellows, 1913

Feeding the Fishes, John Dunkley

Feeding the Fishes John Dunkley, 1940

Fishermen, Pavel Tchelitchew

Fishermen Pavel Tchelitchew, 1935

Fishermen at Sea, Joseph Mallord William Turner

Fishermen at Sea Joseph Mallord William Turner, 1796

Fishing, Natalia Goncharova

Fishing Natalia Goncharova, 1909

Fishing Boat on the Lake, Hishida Shunsō

Fishing Boat on the Lake Hishida Shunsō, 1900

Fishing by Torchlight in Kai Province, Katsushika Hokusai

Fishing by Torchlight in Kai Province Katsushika Hokusai, 1833

Fishing in Reclusion at Cha-hsi, Wang Meng

Fishing in Reclusion at Cha-hsi Wang Meng, 1370

La peche (Fishing), Édouard Manet

La peche (Fishing) Édouard Manet, 1863

Pescadoras 2 (Fishermen), Armando Morales

Pescadoras 2 (Fishermen) Armando Morales, 1979

The Fisher Girl, Winslow Homer

The Fisher Girl Winslow Homer, 1894

The Fishermen (Fantastic Scene), Paul Cézanne

The Fishermen (Fantastic Scene) Paul Cézanne, 1875

The Gulf of Marseilles Seen from L'Estaque, Paul Cézanne

The Gulf of Marseilles Seen from L'Estaque Paul Cézanne, 1885

The Herring Net, Winslow Homer

The Herring Net Winslow Homer, 1885

The Launch of the Net, Suzanne Valadon

The Launch of the Net Suzanne Valadon, 1914

Untitled (Fishermen), Faeq Hassan

Untitled (Fishermen) Faeq Hassan, 1963

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