
Marble , Page 2

Funerary Portrait of Jacques Damala, Sarah Bernhardt

Funerary Portrait of Jacques Damala Sarah Bernhardt, 1889

Pallas with the Parthenon, François Auguste René Rodin

Pallas with the Parthenon François Auguste René Rodin, 1896

Mlle Pogany, Version 1, Constantin Brancusi

Mlle Pogany, Version 1 Constantin Brancusi, 1913

Hand of Rodin with a Female Figure, François Auguste René Rodin

Hand of Rodin with a Female Figure François Auguste René Rodin, 1917

Why Not Sneeze, Rose Sélavy?, Marcel Duchamp

Why Not Sneeze, Rose Sélavy? Marcel Duchamp, 1921

Image II, Barbara Hepworth

Image II Barbara Hepworth, 1960

Palomar, Gonzalo Fonseca

Palomar Gonzalo Fonseca, 1975

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