What future for our art?

Chéri Samba, 1997
What future for our art?, Chéri Samba
What future for our art?, zoomed in
100 cmWhat future for our art? scale comparison150 cm

What future for our art? is a Zaire Acrylic and Canvas Painting created by Chéri Samba in 1997. The image is © Chéri Samba, and used according to Educational Fair Use, and tagged Black Subjects and Political Work. SourceSee What future for our art? in the Kaleidoscope

The paragraph inscribed at the top of this striking composition, roughly translated from French, reads: “What is the future of our art in a world where living artists are mostly oppressed! Only one solution is accepted in France. It seems that an artist accepted in France is probably acceptable everywhere in the world and in France, says the Museum of Modern Art. Yes, but ... is this Museum of Modern Art not racist?”

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