Crucifixion of the Holy St. Adolf

Adolf Wölfli, 1914
Crucifixion of the Holy St. Adolf, Adolf Wölfli
Crucifixion of the Holy St. Adolf, zoomed in
72.6 cmCrucifixion of the Holy St. Adolf scale comparison100.5 cm

Crucifixion of the Holy St. Adolf is a Pencil and Colored Pencil Drawing created by Adolf Wölfli in 1914. It lives at the Prague City Gallery in the Czech Republic. The image is in the Public Domain, and tagged Crucifixion and Outsider Art. SourceDownloadSee Crucifixion of the Holy St. Adolf in the Kaleidoscope

This illustration is from Adolf Wölfli’s second autobiographical volume, the Ge­o­graphic and Al­ge­braic Books Book 12, .529. It depicts the crucifixion of the Holy St. Adolf on Harbor-Island of Biscay, Pacific Ocean, Die Kreutzi­gung des heili­gen Skt.​Adolf auf der Haven=In­sel von Biskaya, im stillen Ozean.
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