Themes in Art


Aquamanile in the form of a ram, Kingdom of Benin

Aquamanile in the form of a ram 1700 – 1800

Bowl with Arabic Inscription, Islamic Dynastic Art

Bowl with Arabic Inscription 1000 – 1100

Bowl with Arabic Proverb, Islamic Dynastic Art

Bowl with Arabic Proverb 1000

Bronze Basin, Bronze Age

Bronze Basin 700BCE

Bushel with Ibex Motifs, Neolithic

Bushel with Ibex Motifs 4200 – 3500BCE

Canopic Jars, Ancient Egypt

Canopic Jars 900BCE

Canopic Urn, The Etruscans

Canopic Urn 600BCE

Chalice of the Abbot Suger of Saint-Denis, Gothic Art

Chalice of the Abbot Suger of Saint-Denis 100BCE – 1140CE

Chocolate Pot, François-Thomas Germain

Chocolate Pot François-Thomas Germain, 1765 – 1766

Circular “pilgrim” Flask, The Etruscans

Circular “pilgrim” Flask 750BCE

Cista Depicting a Dionysian Revel and Perseus with Medusa's Head, The Etruscans

Cista Depicting a Dionysian Revel and Perseus with Medusa's Head 400BCE

Coffee pot, François-Thomas Germain

Coffee pot François-Thomas Germain, 1757

Cycladic Kernos — Vase for Offerings, Aegean Civilizations

Cycladic Kernos — Vase for Offerings 2300 – 2200BCE

Egyptian Vessel, Ancient Egypt

Egyptian Vessel 1400BCE

Greek Drinking Vessel, Ancient Greece

Greek Drinking Vessel 550BCE

Jar with Dragons, Ancient China

Jar with Dragons 1200 – 1100BCE

Jug in the Form of a Woman's Head (Oinochoe), The Etruscans

Jug in the Form of a Woman's Head (Oinochoe) 300BCE

Lapita carinated vessel, Teouma Pot No. 2, Lapita Expansion

Lapita carinated vessel, Teouma Pot No. 2 1200 – 1000BCE

Lapita Pottery Sherds, Lapita Expansion

Lapita Pottery Sherds 1220 – 910BCE

Majiayao Geometric Bowl, Neolithic

Majiayao Geometric Bowl 3300 – 2650BCE

Minoan Serpentine Tankard, Aegean Civilizations

Minoan Serpentine Tankard 1750 – 1450BCE

Mycenaean Bull Rhyton, Aegean Civilizations

Mycenaean Bull Rhyton 1550 – 1500BCE

Mycenaean Lion Rhyton, Aegean Civilizations

Mycenaean Lion Rhyton 1600 – 1500BCE

Mycenaean Octopus Stirrup Jar, Aegean Civilizations

Mycenaean Octopus Stirrup Jar 1200 – 1100BCE

Patterned bowl, Igbo-Ukwu

Patterned bowl 800 – 900CE

Phoenician-style ewer, The Iberians

Phoenician-style ewer 600BCE

Ritual grain server (Gui), Ancient China

Ritual grain server (Gui) 1000 – 900BCE

Ritual wine cup (Zhi), Ancient China

Ritual wine cup (Zhi) 1100 – 1000BCE

Ritual wine warmer (Jia), Ancient China

Ritual wine warmer (Jia) 1400 – 1250BCE

Silver Vase with Cuneiform, Mesopotamia

Silver Vase with Cuneiform 2400BCE

Terracotta calyx-krater, Ancient Greece

Terracotta calyx-krater 400 – 390BCE

Terracotta column-krater, Ancient Greece

Terracotta column-krater 430BCE

Triton Shell Vessel, Igbo-Ukwu

Triton Shell Vessel 800 – 900CE

Vix Krater, Ancient Greece

Vix Krater 530BCE

YangShao Amphora, Neolithic

YangShao Amphora 3000BCE

Zodiac Ewer, Medieval Persian Art

Zodiac Ewer 1180 – 1210

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