Themes in Art


A tondo is a circular work of art, either a shaped canvas or a relief sculpture (circular reliefs are sometimes called roundels). Tondo typicallys refer to canvasses around 60cm in diameter or above, meaning that smaller circular portrait minatures are considered a separate classification.

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Adoration of the Magi, Fra Angelico

Adoration of the Magi Fra Angelico, 1440 – 1460

Apotheosis of Cosimo I, Giorgio Vasari

Apotheosis of Cosimo I Giorgio Vasari, 1563 – 1565

Coney Island, Joseph Stella

Coney Island Joseph Stella, 1914

Doni Tondo, Michelangelo

Doni Tondo Michelangelo, 1507

The Alchemist’s Laboratory, Western Esoteric Art

The Alchemist’s Laboratory 1595

The Cosmic Rose, Western Esoteric Art

The Cosmic Rose 1595

The Four, the Three, the Two, and the One, Western Esoteric Art

The Four, the Three, the Two, and the One 1595

The Hermaphrodite, Western Esoteric Art

The Hermaphrodite 1595

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