Themes in Art


Now, consider carefully which you would rather do, so that later you will not regret your decision

Art school or the kitchen? Modersohn-Becker's letters to her parents Paula Modersohn-Becker, 1893

Maestro Cordero’s School, Francisco Oller

Maestro Cordero’s School Francisco Oller, 1890

Natal Where Art School Is, John Ndevasia Muafangejo

Natal Where Art School Is John Ndevasia Muafangejo, 1974

School Studies, Horace Pippin

School Studies Horace Pippin, 1944

The Country School, Winslow Homer

The Country School Winslow Homer, 1871

The School of Plato, Jean Delville

The School of Plato Jean Delville, 1898

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Autobiographies, Themes in Art


Hear it from the source

Social Realism, Themes in Art

Social Realism

Cities, Themes in Art


Hustle and grind

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