Themes in Art


Cuneiform is one of the earliest systems of writing, a series of wedge-shaped marks pressed into clay. Cuneiform was developed around 3300 BCE, by the Sumerians, and was adapted for use by many cultures of the era, including the Akkadians, Assyrians, and Babylonians—and surviving in common use until the Roman Emipre spread the use of the latin alphabet in the second century CE.

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Clay Nails, a Treaty of Fraternity, Mesopotamia

Clay Nails, a Treaty of Fraternity 2400BCE

Cone of Entemena, Mesopotamia

Cone of Entemena 2400BCE

Dedication Nail, Mesopotamia

Dedication Nail 2100BCE

Divination Liver Model: Omen of siege, Mesopotamia

Divination Liver Model: Omen of siege 2000BCE

Gudea cylinders, Mesopotamia

Gudea cylinders 2125BCE

Gudea Diorite Sculpture, Mesopotamia

Gudea Diorite Sculpture 2120 – 2120BCE

Hinge inscripted with Entemena, Mesopotamia

Hinge inscripted with Entemena 2400BCE

Hymn to Iddin-Dagan, Mesopotamia

Hymn to Iddin-Dagan 1950BCE

Inscription by Naram-Sin: Temple Construction, Mesopotamia

Inscription by Naram-Sin: Temple Construction 2250BCE

King Untash-Napirisha Axe Head, Mesopotamia

King Untash-Napirisha Axe Head 1300BCE

Prologue to Law Code of Hammurabi, Mesopotamia

Prologue to Law Code of Hammurabi 1780BCE

Silver Vase with Cuneiform, Mesopotamia

Silver Vase with Cuneiform 2400BCE

The Eannatum Boulder, Mesopotamia

The Eannatum Boulder 2450BCE

The Gilgamesh Flood Tablet, Mesopotamia

The Gilgamesh Flood Tablet 700BCE

The Liver Tablet, Mesopotamia

The Liver Tablet 1600BCE

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Body, language

Social Realism, Themes in Art

Social Realism

Artist Letters, Themes in Art

Artist Letters

From the heart to the pen

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