Themes in Art

Art History

Abandon love, abandon aestheticism, abandon the baggage of wisdom, for in the new culture, your wisdom is ridiculous and insignificant. I have untied the knots of wisdom and liberated the consciousness of color!

From Cubism and Futurism to Suprematism Kazimir Malevich, 1915

I shake off the dust of the West, and I consider all those people ridiculous and backward who still imitate Western models in the hope of becoming pure painters and who fear literariness more than death.

The Rise of Russian Art Natalia Goncharova, 1913

The red door, aglow with the gold of ornament, slowly opens. In the twilight of Dukhang, the gigantic image of Maitreya majestically rises into the height.

Tibetan Art Nicholas Roerich, 1928

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Social Realism, Themes in Art

Social Realism

Self-portraits, Themes in Art


The canvas mirror

Artist Letters, Themes in Art

Artist Letters

From the heart to the pen

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