
Oil on Cardboard

At the Seashore, Anna Bilińska-Bohdanowicz

At the Seashore Anna Bilińska-Bohdanowicz, 1886

Self-portrait with Japanese Umbrella, Olga Boznańska

Self-portrait with Japanese Umbrella Olga Boznańska, 1892

Girl with Chrysanthemums, Olga Boznańska

Girl with Chrysanthemums Olga Boznańska, 1894

Beneath the Trees, Édouard Vuillard

Beneath the Trees Édouard Vuillard, 1897 – 1899

Village Street, Gabriele Münter

Village Street Gabriele Münter, 1908

Birthday, Marc Chagall

Birthday Marc Chagall, 1915

Madame Vuillard Sewing, Édouard Vuillard

Madame Vuillard Sewing Édouard Vuillard, 1920

Untitled (Surrealist Composition), Pavel Tchelitchew

Untitled (Surrealist Composition) Pavel Tchelitchew, 1920

The Dance (Bailongo), Pedro Figari

The Dance (Bailongo) Pedro Figari, 1925

Honey is Sweeter than Blood, Salvador Dalí

Honey is Sweeter than Blood Salvador Dalí, 1927

Judith and Holofernes, Franz Stuck

Judith and Holofernes Franz Stuck, 1927

Self Portrait: Still Life, Frances Hodgkins

Self Portrait: Still Life Frances Hodgkins, 1935

Ring Around the Rosey, William H. Johnson

Ring Around the Rosey William H. Johnson, 1944

Cavernes, Marcel Janco

Cavernes Marcel Janco, 1948

Blooming trees, Ural Tansykbayev

Blooming trees Ural Tansykbayev, 1970

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