
Artworks from the Victoria and Albert Museum
Victoria and Albert Museum, London
Delivery of the Keys to St Peter and the Ascension of Christ, Donatello

Delivery of the Keys to St Peter and the Ascension of Christ Donatello, 1425 – 1430

Chellini Madonna, Donatello

Chellini Madonna Donatello, 1450

Akbar's Triumphal Entry into Surat Akbarnama, Farrukh Beg

Akbar's Triumphal Entry into Surat Akbarnama Farrukh Beg, 1590 – 1595

My Father Rosse, Susan Penelope Rosse

My Father Rosse Susan Penelope Rosse, 1677

Woman, presumably a Self-portrait, Susan Penelope Rosse

Woman, presumably a Self-portrait Susan Penelope Rosse, 1680

Louise Renée de Penancoet de Keroualle, Duchess of Portsmouth, Susan Penelope Rosse

Louise Renée de Penancoet de Keroualle, Duchess of Portsmouth Susan Penelope Rosse, 1682 – 1685

Mrs. Priestman, Susan Penelope Rosse

Mrs. Priestman Susan Penelope Rosse, 1690

Seascape Study with Rain Cloud, John Constable

Seascape Study with Rain Cloud John Constable, 1827

Stonehenge, John Constable

Stonehenge John Constable, 1835

Papaver Orientale (Oriental poppy), Anna Atkins

Papaver Orientale (Oriental poppy) Anna Atkins, 1852 – 1854

Coronation backdrop for ‘The Firebird’, Natalia Goncharova

Coronation backdrop for ‘The Firebird’ Natalia Goncharova, 1926

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Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Metropolitan Museum of Art

Art Institute of Chicago, United States

Art Institute of Chicago

Gemeentemuseum Den Haag, The Hague

Gemeentemuseum Den Haag

The last Mondrian in a modernist palace

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