
Artworks from the Royal Collection
Royal Collection, London
Study of a Woman's Hands, Leonardo da Vinci

Study of a Woman's Hands Leonardo da Vinci, 1490

A bird's-eye map of western Tuscany, Leonardo da Vinci

A bird's-eye map of western Tuscany Leonardo da Vinci, 1503 – 1504

A map of the Arno valley and surrounding areas, Leonardo da Vinci

A map of the Arno valley and surrounding areas Leonardo da Vinci, 1503 – 1504

Notes on reproduction, Leonardo da Vinci

Notes on reproduction Leonardo da Vinci, 1511

The bones of the foot, and the shoulder, Leonardo da Vinci

The bones of the foot, and the shoulder Leonardo da Vinci, 1510 – 1511

The foetus in the womb, Leonardo da Vinci

The foetus in the womb Leonardo da Vinci, 1511

The muscles of the shoulder, Leonardo da Vinci

The muscles of the shoulder Leonardo da Vinci, 1510 – 1511

The superficial anatomy of the shoulder and neck, Leonardo da Vinci

The superficial anatomy of the shoulder and neck Leonardo da Vinci, 1510 – 1511

The veins and muscles of the arm, Leonardo da Vinci

The veins and muscles of the arm Leonardo da Vinci, 1510 – 1511

A map of the Pontine marshes, Leonardo da Vinci

A map of the Pontine marshes Leonardo da Vinci, 1515

Charles I, Anthony van Dyck

Charles I Anthony van Dyck, 1635 – 1636

Shah-Jahan receives his three eldest sons and Asaf Khan during his accession ceremonies, Bichitr

Shah-Jahan receives his three eldest sons and Asaf Khan during his accession ceremonies Bichitr, 1630 – 1657

Lady at the Virginals with a Gentleman, Johannes Vermeer

Lady at the Virginals with a Gentleman Johannes Vermeer, 1660

Branch of Genipapo with Long-Horned Beetle, Maria Sibylla Merian

Branch of Genipapo with Long-Horned Beetle Maria Sibylla Merian, 1702 – 1703

Branch of West Indian Cherry with Achilles Morpho Butterfly, Maria Sibylla Merian

Branch of West Indian Cherry with Achilles Morpho Butterfly Maria Sibylla Merian, 1702 – 1703

Citron with Monkey Slug Moth and Harlequin Beetle, Maria Sibylla Merian

Citron with Monkey Slug Moth and Harlequin Beetle Maria Sibylla Merian, 1702 – 1703

Tropical White Morning Glory with two beetles, Maria Sibylla Merian

Tropical White Morning Glory with two beetles Maria Sibylla Merian, 1702 – 1703

Turk's Cap Lily, Maria Sibylla Merian

Turk's Cap Lily Maria Sibylla Merian, 1705

Portrait of Charles-Alexandre de Calonne, Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun

Portrait of Charles-Alexandre de Calonne Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun, 1784

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Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

Metropolitan Museum of Art

Art Institute of Chicago, United States

Art Institute of Chicago

Gemeentemuseum Den Haag, The Hague

Gemeentemuseum Den Haag

The last Mondrian in a modernist palace

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